August 11, 2008

Day 169 I tired! I loved, loved, loved having him but keeping up was more than my body can handle. I had him from Sunday till late Sat. night and I did nothing on Sunday except sleep. I'll catch up, hopefully, by the end of the week. If I was a bit faster at laying these out, it would help, but I'm so slow. I worked on this for almost an hour and a half and its nothing great.
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1 comment:

  1. What a cute layout. Love everything about it. I'm sure Gavin had a blast with his "Gran".
    My Grands are all gone this week. Vic is in Fla. at Disney & Neal is camping and me I'm at home.
    If you notice all of my post are starting out the same. I saved a blog workspace to start with and then I go from there.It saves a little time.



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