March 28, 2011

Put a little Easter Out

Finally put a few Easter decorations out. It's hard to get in the the Easter.....Spring mood with this weather. Got up yesterday to a ground covered with snow....It didn't last long but still that's not good.
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March 23, 2011

The new Craft desk

Well, here it is...finally complete.  I gave the top 6 coats of black paint!  I need one more shelf to hold the rest of my ribbon.  As you can see, the bookcases work great for putting my machines on and keeping them within easy reach when I need them.  The other bookcase holds some of my nice paper from Papertrey.  I love their paper, its so nicely colored and a great thickness for cards. I made the desk so I can stand at it if I want or sit but my computer chair doesn't quite raise high enough.  I'm going to look for a bar stool chair.  Now to get more of my craft stuff moved out to this room.  I get tired of going to the hall closet to get stuff and then having to put it all back when I get done.  I want to put my most used stuff in that little desk under the window.  If the heat register hadn't been so long under that window, I would have been able to leave the top the same height as the door but as it was, I had to cut the door down by about a foot.  But, its still much bigger than the little desk I had there  so I should have a lot more space to work.

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March 19, 2011

Tufted Titmouse

It's nice to see the birds at the birdbath again after the winter although the only water in it is from the rain.
Had a hard time with the theme (darks & lights) for this week for project 57 so I'm just posting this snap that I took Thursday out the back door.
It wasn't much of an image so I added a few textures to it. A couple from Coffee House and one from Isabelle Lafrance. I think they help.

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March 11, 2011

Pinball machine

The theme  for MCP project 52 week 10 is Childhood toys. This is more for the older child but it's about the oldest toy I have around here.  This has been in the basement for years. It doesn't get played much anymore but it's fun.
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March 2, 2011

Express yourself

I love these little things. I eat one almost ever evening.

The theme this week is Express yourself.

Well you know me I can't leave anything as is. I did the usual tweaks on this image but the main thing I did was add a layer filled with 2e3192 exclusion blend mode and lowered the opacity some. That's me expressing myself.
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March 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary, my dear friend

Hope it's a great day!

Edited by me to add the designers...had to leave for work before I could get that all done but wanted to get the card posted!

The paper is by Katie Pertiet from a free color kit challenge pack.  The buttons and flower are from 2 Peas as a free kit but there is no designer name in the file, just Hero's Art.  The sun is by Nitwit Collections.
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