I haven't had a pair of boots for years and don't really like to wear them but Vickie got me this pair of duck shoes for Christmas and I love them. They have been put to good use this year with all the snow we have gotten and it's still coming down. I went out and did a little sweeping while Brent and a neighbor cleaned some of the neighborhood driveways off and help a car get out that was stuck in the snow. Going to stay in now and have a cup of coffee with a nice fire going and watch some of the Olympics with more snow.
Thanks for the warm shoes Vickie!

Cool shot....no pun intended...LOL....its been one heck of a winter all around us...we have had our share but nothing like some folks are getting. I'm afraid we are in for another dry summer as our snowfall isn't high on moisture. I love my muck boots for outside work...toes stay nice and warm! They aren't much to look at but when its below 0 out, I'm dang glad to have them on my feet!